捐獻方式||捐献方式||Means to Donate

即時一次性捐獻||即时一次性捐献||One-Time Donation


可用支票或本票(抬頭:CCM Canada Charitable Foundation)郵遞,或用信用卡作網上捐獻。||可用支票或本票(抬头:CCM Canada Charitable Foundation)邮递,或用信用卡作网上捐献。||By mailing cheques or bank draft (payable to CCM Canada Charitable Foundation) or by credit card.

網上轉賬 e-Transfer||网上转账 e-Transfer||e-Transfer

在閣下的網上銀行戶口中加上 CCM Canada Charitable Foundation為收款人||在阁下的网上银行户口中加上 CCM Canada Charitable Foundation为收款人||By Adding ″CCM Canada Charitable Foundation″ as a recipient

e-Transfer 注意事項*||e-Transfer 注意事项*||Note on e-Transfer*

證券或其他資產||证券或其他资产||Securities or Other Assets

如股票、證券、互惠基金或其他類型資產之捐獻,均無需支付資產增值稅,同時亦享獲全數市值金額作退稅收據。||如股票、证券、互惠基金或其他类型资产之捐献,均无需支付资产增值税,同时亦享获全数市值金额作退税收据。||By donating securities, stocks, mutual fund etc., with no tax applying on capital gains. A tax receipt will be issued based on the market value of the gift being transferred.

詳細安排,請與基金會聯絡:||详细安排,请与基金会联络:||For further details, please contact our office:

聯絡方式||联络方式||Contact Methods

每月固定捐獻||每月固定捐献||Monthly Scheduled Donation

透過銀行或信用咭户口,設定金額以自動轉賬方法按月作固定捐獻。||透过银行或信用咭户口,设定金额以自动转账方法按月作固定捐献。||By setting up a recurring monthly donation either through direct debit of bank account or credit card.

遺贈捐獻||遗赠捐献||Legacy Giving

預先計劃把部份遺產捐獻予加拿大中信慈善基金會,是極具意義和影響深遠的舉措,不但會永遠延續閣下對神恩典的感謝和對天國事工的負擔,也是恩澤下代和承傳福音使命的妥善安排。||预先计划把部份遗产捐献予加拿大中信慈善基金会,是极具意义和影响深远的举措,不但会永远延续阁下对神恩典的感谢和对天国事工的负担,也是恩泽下代和承传福音使命的妥善安排。 ||It is a meaningful and far-reaching action to support CCM Canada Charitable Foundation through legacy giving. A well-planned donation will become an everlasting thanksgiving to God's grace, contribution to the ministry of His Kingdom, and blessing to future generations of Christians and missionaries who continue to uphold the mission of God.

捐獻遺産可採用下列方式:||捐献遗产可采用下列方式:||There are 3 ways to set up legacy giving:

遺囑||遗嘱||Wills and Bequests

在遺囑內加入一項條款,列明加拿大中信慈善基金會為指定某項資産之受益人。||在遗嘱内加入一项条款,列明加拿大中信慈善基金会为指定某项资产之受益人。||Name CCM Canada Charitable Foundation as the beneficiary of certain designated assets in your will.

人壽保險||人寿保险||Life Insurance

在人壽保險單上,列明加拿大中信慈善基金會為該保險指定受益人。||在人寿保险单上,列明加拿大中信慈善基金会为该保险指定受益人。 ||Name CCM Canada Charitable Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

退休金||退休金||Retirement Funds

在註冊退休儲蓄計劃(RRSP),或註冊退休收入基金(RRIF)上,列明加拿大中信慈善基金會為指定受益人。||在注册退休储蓄计划(RRSP),或注册退休收入基金(RRIF)上,列明加拿大中信慈善基金会为指定受益人。 ||Name CCM Canada Charitable Foundation as the beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF.

收款人電郵||收款人电邮||Recipient's emaildonate@ccmcanadafoundation.org

請在 "message" 一欄中填上:||请在 "message" 一栏中填上:||On "message", please put:
•支持基金(若不註明,奉獻將撥入一般運作基金)||支持基金(若不注明,奉献将拨入一般运作基金)||Supporting fund (if omitted, donation will be put under Foundation's General Fund)
•名字(包括中文姓名字頭縮寫)||名字(包括中文姓名字头缩写)||Name (include Chinese middle name initials)
•聯絡電話||联络电话||Phone #
若字數容許,亦請填上地址||若字数容许,亦请填上地址||If space allows, please include mailing address

在提交奉獻之先,請檢視以上的資料是否正確,以便發放正確奉獻收據。||在提交奉献之先,请检视以上的资料是否正确,以便发放正确奉献收据。||Before you submit the e-transfer, ensure that the information on the above steps are accurate as they are essential for correctly issuing of the donation receipts.


所有關於遺贈捐獻,請先與閣下法律及財務顧問商討詳情及安排。||所有关于遗赠捐献,请先与阁下法律及财务顾问商讨详情及安排。 ||Consultation with Legal and Financial Advisors to consider all the relevant issues and arrangements is strongly advised.