
以巴弗提關顧基金||以巴弗提关顾基金||Epaphroditus Caring Fund

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此永久基金之投資回報,將用作支持加拿大中信溫哥華中心的關顧事工,透過定期的支援小組禱告、電話關顧、家訪與醫院/院舍探訪,專題講座,對長者、癌症病患者、腦創、特殊需要兒童及家人,提供安慰和支援。||此永久基金之投资回报,将用作支持加拿大中信温哥华中心的关顾事工,透过定期的支援小组祷告、电话关顾、家访与医院/院舍探访,专题讲座,对长者、癌症病患者、脑创、特殊需要儿童及家人,提供安慰和支援。||This fund is an endowment fund, in which the investment return will be used to support the Caring Ministry of CCM Vancouver Centre.  Through regular support groups, prayer, telecare, visitations, and workshops, the Caring Ministry provides care and support to seniors, cancer patients, brain injury patients, special needs children and their families.